Koyote Kennels Calgary Shiba Inus



According to Native North American folklore, Sikoya was the Great Spirit of the Animals. Ki means spirited. Sikoya Ki is a very spirited little girl. She is a bit of an acrobat and enjoyed Agility classes. She has a very feminine face with long eyelashes and bear-like cheeks. When she is happy to see you, she runs to get a toy and demonstrates the Shiba Smile – her ears are pinned down flat, her tail is moving so fast it wiggles her butt, and makes little squeals of delight. I am impressed with all of the tricks her guardians have taught her. She is a smart girl that is an ambassador for the breed at many different shows.

Sikoya lives fulltime with two of my Puppy People who are special friends and shares a bed with her half-sister Oasis at their home. Sikoya excelled at the Shiba 500 racing laps around the house. Today you are more likely to find her nestled closely with one of her guardians on the couch.

You can read more of Sikoya’s adventures at http://www.dogster.com/dogs/197840