Koyote Kennels Calgary Shiba Inus

Getting Ready

Getting Ready

There are many things to consider when acquiring your new puppy. First off, research and find a responsible breeder . Next is to find both a veterinarian and an obedience trainer that you are comfortable with. We have provided you a listing of our favourite places below. It is important to attend two levels of obedience training “ Puppy basics and Beginner Obedience “ as well as Puppy Playtime, usually available at the same training facility.As an experienced breeder, it is my responsibility to teach you the basics of starting off with your new Shiba Inu. When you arrive to pickup your new baby, we will hold a class and you will learn the basics needed to get you off to a positive start.We can supply you with a Puppy Kit that contains all the items you will need to get started with your new Puppy. If purchased separately these items cost between $400 and $500. Ask us about our special discounted Puppy Kit pricing.


  • Kennel for sleeping and travelling - Size 200 with metal door (Vari-Kennel, Furarri) Base Dimensions: 16"w x 23"l x 19"h Full Dimensions: 20"w x 27"l x 19"h

  • Kennel pad for the inside of the kennel

  • Dog Bed - small or medium bed

  • Food - Puppy formula for the first year, premium food. (Pets First or other super premium dog food brand such as Solid Gold Puppy)

  • Small/Medium Collar and 6" Leash

  • Nail Clippers & QuickStop - scissor style only, not guillotine

  • Premium Shampoo with Conditioner

  • Toothbrush (finger type) and paste (a soft cloth will work for puppies)

  • Grooming Brushes, soft hard, and slicker

  • Food and Water Dishes - stainless steel in holder is best, ceramic is good too

  • Treats - freeze dried chicken or beef liver

  • Toys - plush, Kong, rope, interactive play toy

  • Bitter Apple Spray - to stop furniture chewing

  • Pooper Scooper

  • Poop Bags for Walks

  • Exercise Pen - for house training (X-Pen)

Dr. Carolin Koebisch
RR 1, Box 18, Site 9,
Cochrane, AB T4C1A1
403.932.VETS (8387)

Obedience Schools
Sit Happens!
403.295.6337 -
#16 2333 18 Ave NE, Calgary

Dog Behavourist
J.C St. Louis
403.226.0769 www.caninebehaviourist.com/

Pet Insurance
1 800 - 569 - 7913